About Us

About Us

Reclaim Life is a place where you can meet Jesus, engage in life-giving community and everyone is welcome. We believe in creating a space where you can have authentic encounters with Christ through the Holy Spirit, discover your gifts and use them for God's glory.

The Holy Spirit equips us to live victorious kingdom lives!

Reclaim God's original intent for life, love, relationships, family and destiny.

Our Mission & Vision

Reclaim God's original intent for life.

Our Mission
Our Mission

The mission of Reclaim Life is the same mission Jesus gave his followers:

  • Embrace God
  • Love People
  • Serve Others
Our Vision
Our Vision

The vision of Reclaim Life is to create a community of authentic believers and to effectively witness people of the region of NW Indiana transformed by the life changing reality of the good news of the kingdom, as people come to know Jesus.  We intend to encourage and equip each other to reclaim God’s original intent for life, love, marriage, family, friends and destiny.

Our Story

In 2006 a small group of families felt that NW Indiana needed a ministry that was different. They researched the demographics of the area to verify what they were sensing and were astounded to discover that the average age of a church member was over 54 years old, domestic abuse had become normal, gang activity was on the rise, drug abuse was an epidemic, special needs ministry was almost non-existent and other local ministries were struggling with minimal resources. Spirit led worship and kingdom instruction seemed to be missing from most churches. They knew something needed to be done since the community was expanding with families relocating from the gang infested suburban areas of Chicago. The region needed a ministry that would reach across social barriers and touch a generation who was struggling in dysfunction. They desperately wanted to be a part of a down to earth ministry who accepted people where they were at in life and unashamedly spoke truth with action in love, motivating change for the good.

This group of families started holding meetings in their homes with the purpose of reaching the unchurched, dechurched, unloved and those in despair. With excitement in the air a few short weeks later these families officially launched what was CrossRoads Church but is now today known as Reclaim Life Church. We are not just another local church but we are a culturally relevant kingdom ministry movement representing the love of Christ through action, teaching and discipleship to those who are reclaiming life through the Good News of Jesus!

Pastor Mark and April gifted the CrossRoads building and property to the elders in 2015 to accept a position in a mega-ministry. Fully expecting to remain in relationship with the ministry, Mark and April were shocked when the leadership instructed the congregation to cut off all communication with them. After a season, the leadership hired a pastor who possessed a much different vision. The ministry deteriorated. The elders were given an ultimatum, the pastor sold the property, abandoned the equipment, left the community of DeMotte and is using the money for other purposes. Mark deeply regrets handing off the ministry like he did and allowing it to fall into hands that failed to honor the vision. After a period of some years and reflection God supernaturally opened doors for Mark and April to relocate Mark Alan Ministries, Inc DBA Reclaim Life Church from Valparaiso to DeMotte and are now meeting in the facility that was previously known as CrossRoads Church (the church Mark and April planted so many years ago), is now Venue 231 and the home of Reclaim Life Church.

We fully expect the the demand of ministry to increase dramatically as we continue in obedience to God’s kingdom calling. We host Sunday morning high impact worship services with messages of biblical principles and powerful moves of the Holy Spirit every Sunday morning. God has made the mandate clear, causing us to be consumed with reaching those outside of the kingdom and raising up powerful followers of Christ who are empowered by the Holy Spirit. We are dedicated to kingdom bible instruction, life & ministry mentoring, ordination for those called to ministry, bible instruction, relationships and more.

It is no coincidence that God has sent us to the region and we are eager to experience what God has in store for all of us together.

Be a part of our story!

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